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How high is Floor & Decor Holdings stock?

The high in the last 52 weeks of Floor & Decor Holdings stock was 135.65. According to the current price, Floor & Decor Holdings is 86.24% away from the 52-week high. What are analysts forecasts for Floor & Decor Holdings stock?

What was the 52-week low for Floor & Decor Holdings stock?

The low in the last 52 weeks of Floor & Decor Holdings stock was 70.65. According to the current price, Floor & Decor Holdings is 165.58% away from the 52-week low. What was the 52-week high for Floor & Decor Holdings stock? The high in the last 52 weeks of Floor & Decor Holdings stock was 135.65.

Where is complete Floor & Decor Holdings Inc headquartered?

The company was founded by George Vincent West in 2000 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. FND | Complete Floor & Decor Holdings Inc. Cl A stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.

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